Policies and Procedures
Center Philosophy, Program, Facilities
Little Mountain Montessori provides a preschool program that is based on the Montessori philosophy. Our mission is to:
Excite children about the world around them
Create a life long love for learning
Encourage independence while building community and taking care of each other
Foster mutual respect between children and adults
Our Program runs Monday - Friday, 7:30am to 5:30pm year round. We provide annual calendars of closure dates that generally follow the Seattle Public Schools. Please check our calendar to be sure of closure dates.
Enrollment and Admission Requirements
We believe that the Montessori philosophy is the best means for educating children. That being said, aspects may not be for everyone. Because we offer a unique method, we require that parents and guardians meet the director and take a tour of the school or attend an open house prior to filling out a waitlist application or enrolling in the program. After seeing the school if you are interested in enrolling please submit an application along with the non refundable fee. Tours can be scheduled by phone or email.
Upon enrollment you will be required to complete a mound of paperwork for your child. Included in that mound are the following, immunization certificate, application for enrollment, registration form, childcare agreement, walking field trip and picture consent, parental contact information, and a disclaimer stating that you understand our disaster policy, health policy, pet policy, and medication management policy. You will be given a copy of the complete disaster and health policy to take home and read. There is a summarized version included in our handbook. After reading the complete policies, you can discuss any thoughts or questions with Hannah.
Tuition Guidelines
Tuition for the 2023-2024 school year is $2352/month. We offer a sibling discount for the oldest sibling of 3%, making their rate $2282/month. Tuition is due on 1st of every month for the upcoming month. If tuition is not paid by the 4th there will an additional late fee of $45. If tuition is not paid within the calendar month your child will not be allowed back at school until tuition and late fee is paid.
Additionally, we may fill your spot if tuition goes unpaid after one calendar month. Full month tuition is always due, regardless of closures dates, sick or vacation days or any other reason. If you decide to leave the school we ask for a minimum of two months notice.
The Daily Stuff
Drop Off Time
Routine is a crucial part of a preschoolers’ success and arriving to school at a consistent time allows for your child and our program to be the most enjoyable and effective. We ask that you have your child arrive between 7:30 and 8:30am every morning. Exceptions for doctor’s appointments or special events aside.
If you cannot make it by 8:30, you can drop your child off at 10am. Please note the majority of the Montessori work time is over by 10am.
Breakfast at School
You are welcome to bring breakfast for your child before 8:30. Please remember our nut policy, Please do not bring peanuts, pistachios, cashews, walnuts, or pecans. Bring food in containers labeled with your child’s name/initials. **Almonds and coconut is okay**
Sign In & Sign Out
When you drop your child off in the morning and pick them up in the evening you are required to sign them in and out of the school. According to the Department of Early Learning a parent, guardian, or other authorized person is required to sign the child in and out with a full signature and time of respective pick up or drop off. If you have any additional information about the person or time of pick up that day you can note them on the sign in sheet when you arrive in the morning. These sheets are used to help us track attendance and for reference in case of an emergency.
In addition, if the child is leaving and returning any time during the day (e.g. a doctor’s appointment), they must be signed out upon leaving and back in upon return.
Late Pick-Up Policy
We understand that from time to time, children will be picked up late. In the circumstance that you will be late please give the school a call or email and let us know an expected pick up time. We allow a 5 minute grace period, if you arrive within the 5 minute period no money is owed. If you arrive after the 5 minute window you will be charged for the initial 5 minutes plus $1/minute after that. Payment is due upon pick up and should be paid to the staff person with your child at the time of pick up.
If late pick ups persist, late fees can be doubled on Hannah’s discretion. Please be considerate that we close at 5:30. Picking up constantly between 5:30 and 5:35 can result in fees at Hannah’s discretion.
Snow Days
Our snow policy follows the Seattle Public Schools for the first day of snow. If subsequent days are snowy we will send an email with our plan.
Open Door Policy
We have an open door policy. Parents and guardians are welcome anytime the school is open. Our facilities are designed to be most appealing to the children and invite them to feel ownership over their classroom, school, and playground. As such, our shelves, tables, and chairs are all sized for the children. Please respect that this is the children’s space and when entering do so in a quiet, unobtrusive manner. Children learn through modeling, please don't sit on tables or counter tops. You are welcome to join your child by sitting in a chair or on the floor. If, while you are visiting you have any questions for your child’s teacher, please write them down and ask to speak with them later.
Child Abuse & Reporting Laws
As a licensed childcare facility we are state mandated reporters of child abuse or neglect. If we suspect any abuse: sexual, physical, or emotional, or any type of neglect we will document and report our concerns to Child Protective Services.
Behavior Management & Discipline
In a Montessori environment, we use redirection as our main mode of behavior management. Whenever possible we offer the children choices that allow them to meet whatever physical or emotional need they have, while keeping everyone safe. If a child continues unsafe or disruptive behavior, they will be asked to calm their bodies in a quiet area of the classroom. A teacher will follow up with a child once they have calmed down and are asking or showing signs of being ready to re-join the classroom.
Montessori also teaches the Peace Curriculum. This is a developed part of the Montessori Method that teaches children how to problem solve on their own when a dispute between them occurs. The children learn about this process through practicing at circles, watching their peers and getting help from a teacher. If you are curious to know more about the Peace Curriculum please talk with Hannah or Aislinn.
At no time will any form of corporal punishment be acceptable.
Religious & Cultural Activities
At Little Mountain Montessori we respect and encourage diversity in all areas. If your family has a religious or cultural practice that can be shared by a parent or family member please let us know, so we can enrich all of our lives by learning about each others beliefs. Further, we will support your child’s faith in the classroom consistent with state and federal laws.
Transparent Classroom
We use a web based program called Transparent Classroom to share pictures of your child with you. We take pictures of your child during work time and send them via Transparent Classroom to your email. The photos are not shared with anyone or on any platform other than Transparent Classroom. If you would like to opt out please let Hannah know.
Sick Child Policy
Children must be excluded from childcare, per the Department of Early Learning WAC code 170.295.3030, when the following symptoms are present:
Diarrhea: three or more watery stools or one bloody stool within twenty-four hours
Vomiting: two or more times within twenty-four hours
Open or oozing sores, unless properly covered with cloths or bandages
For suspected communicable skin infection such as impetigo, pinkeye, and scabies: child may return twenty-four hours after starting antibiotic treatment
Lice or nits
Fever of 100 degrees Fahrenheit or higher and who also have one or more of the following: earache, headache, sore throat, rash, or fatigue that prevents participation in regular activities.
In an effort to prevent the spread of illness and relapse of illness we ask the children be kept at home for 24 hours after diarrhea, vomiting, or a fever of 100 has subsided without the use of medication.
Children (or staff) who have a reportable disease may not be in attendance unless approved by a doctor.
In the event that your child has been exposed to an infectious disease or parasite we will notify you via posted notification or email.
Covid-19 Policy
Covid-19 responses and recommendations change frequently and we will adjust accordingly. Any changes will be communicated via email.
Injury Policy
We do our best to keep children safe and happy at school, but from time to time children get injured. We do not carry student accident insurance and our insurance company would like you to be notified as such. If your child sustains an injury at school and has to be treated by a medical professional, Little Mountain Montessori cannot be held financially responsible for any medical costs. By signing the provided waiver that you have read and understand the handbook you are agreeing to this statement.
Medication Management
You must give written consent before we can give your child any medication. That includes topical treatments like lotions, chapstick or baby wipes.
If your child needs medication that is prescribed by a health care professional, we will provide you a form that is good for the duration of that specific medication.
Written parental consent is also required for over the counter medications such as antihistamines, non-asprin fever reducers/pain relievers, non-narcotic cough suppressant, decongestants, ointment or lotions intended to reduce or stop itching or dry skin, diaper ointment and non talc powders that are intended only for diaper area, sun screen or hand sanitizers. Any other over the counter medication than the ones listed above must be accompanied by written directions from a health care provider.
The Department of Early Learning also require that we have written consent from a health care authority before we can provide vitamins, herbal supplements, or fluoride.
Your child can take their own medication if we have a written statement from you requesting that they take their own medication and have a written statement from a health care provider that the child is physically and mentally capable of doing so. We will observe and document that the medication was taken.
If your child needs an inhaler, nebulizer, epi-pen, or has any other medical need we may ask for a demonstration from you so that we can be most effective and helpful to your child and their needs.
If you would like us to apply sunscreen to your child, we will do that once a day between 3 - 4 pm for the months of May - September, as needed based on the weather. Bring a sunscreen of your choice that is either stick or cream (no spray sunscreens of any kind) and fill out the required form. We will send the sunscreen home at the end of September.
Medical Emergencies
In the event that an injury is life-threatening, we will take the following steps:
Call “911”
Stabilize the child to the best of our abilities
Notify you. If you cannot be reached, we will continue down your list of emergency contacts until we reach someone, and then continue to try and reach you.
If your child has to be taken to the hospital and you are not able to be with them when they go, we will do our best to send a staff person with them and have them stay until you or one of your emergency contacts arrive. We will also send their “Emergency Contact & Information” form, immunization histories, and any other pertinent health information with them.
For the health and well being of everyone at Little Mountain Montessori, we require that children in our care be immunized. The Department of Early Learning requires that we keep an up to date log of each child’s vaccinations and that those vaccinations be kept to date as suggested by the state board of health.
Disaster Preparedness Plans
In the event that there is a fire, the lead teacher will instruct the children to grab their shoes and line up either on the sticky wall or next to the cubbies, depending on the location of the fire, while getting the emergency backpack and cell phone. They will then escort the children to the nearest exit. The assistant teacher in the room will check for children who may be hiding in places like cubbies, the bathroom, kitchen, closet or hallway and get the daily sign-in sheets.
Upon exiting the building the lead teacher and children will immediately proceed to the back of the building to the designated emergency area and wait for the assistant teacher and/or director and further instruction if needed. There are multiple routes to provide safe passage to the designated area. They can follow the path on either the north or south side of the building, or if that seems unsafe they can proceed north to the next block and turn left onto McGraw street and then left into the alley which leads to the disaster area outside of the school. The emergency area is more then 50 feet from the back of the school.
We will stay in the emergency meeting area until children are picked up by an adult on their approved pick up list.
If an earthquake occurs during school hours teachers and students will drop, cover, and hold under tables, away from windows when possible. Once shaking stops children will be instructed to stay under cover while teachers and director assess the situation.
Teacher(s) and/or Director will decide whether to evacuate or stay inside.
If there is no immediate need to evacuate, we will check children and staff for injuries and give first aid, if needed.
If utilities appear to need to be shut off we will do so.
Each child will have an earthquake kit on site that should be designed to last two or three days, in the event that parents/guardians or emergency contacts are unable to pick up their children.
Please prepare and bring an earthquake kit for your child… some helpful guidelines:
A gallon zip lock bag with your child’s name on the outside
Mylar blanket
Food items, i.e. snack bars, fruit/veggie pouches
A family photo and a letter
Flash light
Little Mountain Montessori will maintain an emergency supply of food, water and first aid supplies for staff and students.
Plan for Evacuation
In the event that an evacuation is required, we will follow the above procedure to exit the building. Once we are safely gathered in our evacuation area, a staff person will immediately conduct a head count and double check against the sign in sheet. If needed, we will bring our Earthquake kits and other supplies.
Any child who needs extra help with evacuating—be it physical or emotional—will be partnered with a teacher.
Parents will be able to reach us via email, and if possible we will check phone messages and make phone calls to notify parents of our status. We plan to shelter in place as long as possible. If we have to leave the school grounds, we will send an email and make phone calls if possible. Our offsite emergency back up meeting places include the Queen Anne Community Center or Big Howe playground.
Our program serves children ages 2 1/2 to 5 years old. We require that children are in underwear to participate at school. When accidents happen our staff will supervise, make suggestions, and help the child to clean themselves and change into clean clothes.
If your child demonstrates a need or expresses the want for privacy while using the bathroom, we will provide that for them while keeping them within auditory range of a staff person.
Field Trips
At Little Mountain Montessori, we will take both local walking outings and larger field trips that will require us to take public transportation or charter a school bus. For walking outings, we have a blanket authorization statement to be signed for each child upon enrollment. We include plans for outings on our monthly lesson plans. For larger trips that require public or private transportation, we will ask for individual permission slips.
Guidelines for Food Brought from Home
At Little Mountain Montessori, we provide a daily catered lunch. Menus will be posted monthly. We also provide a morning and afternoon snack. On special occasion like birthdays, sharing days, or holidays children can bring in special snacks. We are nut and sesame seed and sesame oil free. Almonds and coconuts are okay to bring to Little Mountain.
Our Daily Schedule
7:30.................................................................................School Opens
7:30 - 8:30.....................................................Breakfast brought from home
7:30 - 10:00............................................................................WorkTime
10:00 - 11:30......................................................................Outside Time
11:30 - 11:45 ...............................................................................Circle
11:45 - 12:00................................................................................Lunch
12:00 - 2:30.......................................................................Rest/Nap Time
1:15 - 2:30..........................................................Extended Day Work Time
2:30 - 2:45....................................................................Wake-Up & Snack
2:45 - 4:30...........................................................................Outside Time
4:30 - 5:15....................................................Afternoon Work Time & Projects
5:15 - 5:30...............................................................................Book Time
5:30............................................................................See you Tomorrow!
Nondiscrimination Statement
Little Mountain Montessori absolutely does not discriminate. We do not discriminate in employment practices or client services based on race, creed, color, national origin, marital status, gender, sexual orientation, class, age, religion or disability. We will not tolerate discrimination in any way between people at Little Mountain Montessori.
Additional and complete policies as required by the Department of Early Learning
Medication Policy
ADA Policy
Pet Policy - changes to pet policy include a visiting school dog.
Health Policy
Bloodborne Pathogen Policy
Disaster Policy
Can be found in their entirety in the “Policies and Procedures” notebook above the sign in sheets. Please familiarize yourself with it. Direct any questions to Hannah.
We are so excited to have you and your family joining us at Little Mountain Montessori. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call or email Hannah.